It’s (almost) time to get CAMP!

Move down day was a success! Thank you to everyone who donated and to everyone who met us at St. Stephen’s and helped us pack up and move down to Greensboro! Many hands make light work, and we could not have done it without you. DSC_0115DSC_0119DSC_0123DSC_0125


Since the move down day, our team has been working long and hard hours to get the camp ready for the campers! The hallways are strung up with lights, the bulletin boards are decorated and ready for many pictures and campers’ art work, and Summer Learning is prepared and ready for their students! We are so excited to have both Sawyerville Camp and Sawyerville Learning in the same location so we can all grow, learn, and play together all summer long.


Thank you to Evelyn and her husband, Ross, for hosting the summer long staff members for a delicious dinner Thursday night. It was a lot of fun to get together with the directors, interns, lifeguards, bus drivers, staff chaplain, summer learning coordinator, and photographer for a fun-filled, stress-free night, and we are so excited to all work together as a team during the next few months.

After all of our work and preparation the past few weeks, it is finally almost time to get camp! We are so excited for the campers to get here and for the summer to start. Thank you to everyone who has helped us prepare for this summer; we cannot wait for our coordinators, staff, teachers, students, and campers to arrive. This is sure to be the best summer of Sawyerville yet, and we are so blessed to be able to celebrate our 25th anniversary with all of you!

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